Good News
Why Using A Wills Lawyer Matters

Why Using A Wills Lawyer Matters

If you watched much television in Canada in the 1990s, you likely remember the commercials for the Canadian legal will kit. The ads usually featured a senior couple at their dining room table, touting the benefits of how easy it was to make their own will right in...

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Why It’s Always Worth Having a Will

Why It’s Always Worth Having a Will

When you’re going through the hustle and bustle of life, you’re likely not giving much thought to what happens when it’s all over. In your younger or even your middle years, when you’re focused on things like career and family, you’re not buying homes and cars and...

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What Happens When You Become An Executor?

What Happens When You Become An Executor?

When a loved one or close friend passes away, there’s always a period of grief and mourning. Whether it was expected for a long time or happened completely by surprise, none of us are quite prepared for the finality of a death. If the person themselves had prepared...

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Lost a Will?

Lost a Will?

It’s always a little surprising when a famous celebrity with a massive estate dies without a will. This was famously the case with billionaire Howard Hughes back in the 1970s, who became the subject of a famous forged Will ‘uncovered’ after his death. More recently it...

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Top 5 Real Estate Myths Debunked

Top 5 Real Estate Myths Debunked

The real estate market has been booming for years, but the truth is that not everyone understands exactly what that means. Trying to buy a home unprepared can be a dangerous game for your finances. Your home purchase may be the biggest investment you’ll make for years...

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